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Circular Business Design 2

Welcome to the frontier of Circular Business Design! In this minor, we are embarking on a mission that transcends mere profit margins and bottom lines. We are pioneers, guiding money-driven companies through the transformative journey from a linear to a circular economy.

Our partners have recognized the urgency of sustainability, yet they face daunting obstacles on the road to change. But here's the thing: obstacles are not barriers; they are opportunities in disguise. They are invitations to innovate, to challenge conventions, and to forge new pathways towards a more sustainable future.

Minor content

As we delve into our projects, let us leverage our skills in design thinking, systems analysis, and strategic foresight to navigate the complexities of transition. Let us be the architects of solutions that not only optimize resource use and minimize waste but also drive profitability and long-term resilience.

But our journey is not just about solving technical challenges; it is about shifting mindsets and fostering a culture of sustainability within organizations. It is about inspiring leadership, empowering employees, and engaging stakeholders across the value chain. Together, we have the power to catalyze a paradigm shift in business, where profit and purpose are not mutually exclusive but mutually reinforcing. So let us embrace this opportunity with courage, creativity, and unwavering resolve. For it is not just the success of our projects that is at stake, but the very future of our planet and prosperity for generations to come


Structure of the minor

This 15 EC minor is organized as a project, located in the Cycle Up Hub and at NHL Stenden. Three times a week we have project meetings in which we share knowledge about Circular Economy and work on the business cases. We invite experts for guest lectures and workshops. We organize field trips. You conduct field research and closely cooperate with the businesses. It is a Lab!

You gain an in-depth understanding of transitions and circular economy by using relevant sources, We don’t prescribe literature.

We pay attention to your personal growth and your professional development. Therefore, we have coaching sessions to monitor the team work, the individual performance and the personal learning process.


This minor is developed as a retail management specialization, but is relevant for all study programs. The minor is open to all students. The more disciplines in the minor, the better it is. Working in multidisciplinary and international teams adds so much value to the projects and the minor. The minor creates knowledge and awareness, insight and in depth understanding of circularity. It opens a network of people, organizations and businesses with ambitions in the field of circularity and sustainability. And it opens the eyes for the challenges we are facing and creates responsibility of each of us.


Design Challenge and Intervention Plan

Process Assessment

Aanvullende informatie

The minor Circular Business Design 2 is offered twice a year, in period 2 and 4. It can be combined with Circular Business Design 1 which is offered in period 1 and 3.