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Applied Computer Science Research (ACSR)

Our Intelligent Software & Algorithms (ISA) Lab focuses on researching topics in computer science. In collaboration with various other research institutions, we implement new software and add knowledge to our fields of study. We primarily focus on the following two research topics: (geometric) algorithms and computer science education.
As a student, you will help us with an applied research project that directly supports one of our research topics. This includes further researching a topic, implementing a software prototype, performing experiments or validation, and writing a technical paper.

Minor content

For projects under the algorithms topic, the main focus is on implementing (geometric) algorithms to prove their accuracy and explore their practical applications. Some of the challenges you may face include converting mathematical descriptions into a working prototype as well as validating and optimizing the prototype. It is important to note that we do not expect you to fully comprehend the mathematics on your own.
Projects focusing on computer science education try to enhance educational practices in our field, usually by implementing new supportive tools. We focus on merging educational ideas with a technical subject and how this can be achieved in a proof of concept. Previous projects included a tool that guides students through their learning, a new visual programming language, and a virtual reality learning environment. These projects can become quite complex, and a good grasp of programming concepts is welcomed.



Structure of the minor

This minor runs each semester, and you can start in September or February. During the minor you will have the opportunity to choose a project within one of our research topics. We will provide expert knowledge and material on the chosen research topic and practicalities such as writing a technical paper or building quality software. To promote collaboration and discussion, the minor students share a room with our researchers and you will usually work on a project together with at least one other student. Projects are concluded with a technical paper and a presentation showcasing the project and the major results.
The main goal of this minor is for you to learn practical research skills in the context of computer science. You will learn this primarily through practice in your research project, though we will also provide workshops on some topics. This means the project guides the minor’s process. A research project never works out exactly as you expected beforehand, but does follow a general process format, which we provide you with. You do not work alone, instead Projects are performed in collaboration with ISA Lab staff and fellow students. To support this process, you might also collaborate with experienced (external) researchers and professors.
During the minor, you will get familiar with the following topics:

  • (Practical) computer science research;
  • Exploring literature and collaborating to familiarize with a topic;
  • Writing a technical paper;
  • Developing complex software;
  • Validation and optimization of software quality;
  • Project management.

This minor is offered by the study HBO-ICT


Place of work The primary place of work is NHL Stenden, Rengerslaan 10 Leeuwarden. We require you to be physically present at least two days a week. The remaining days can be spent either working in the lab or working from home and communicating through digital channels. Admission requirements This minor is ideal for students who want to focus more on computer science research. This minor is therefore extremely suitable for students who have an affinity with programming, mathematics, and applied research.  This makes the minor a good match with various technical bachelor programs, such as HBO-ICT, (technical) computer science, and mathematical engineering. For admission, we ask for a motivation letter (in English), including a CV. There will be an interview before admission to the minor. During the interview, we will ask programming questions to test suitability. Note that there is a maximum number of places available per semester and your admission will be based on the interview and suitability. It is important to express your interest in time. Requirements are a technical propaedeutic diploma and programming and/or software engineering experience. Deeper knowledge of programming languages such as C++ or Java is a plus.


Students will be assessed on their final portfolio (this includes the paper and any technical products) and the presentation of the research results.