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  1. Nautical Specialities

    30,0 EC

    Als maritiem officier in opleiding weet jij al het nodige van schepen, navigatie, lading en technische installaties. Je hebt je vaarstage gedaan en je specialisatie gekozen. In de minor Nautical Specialties doe je extra kennis en ervaring op met nautische onderwerpen die pas…
    • 2 sep 2024 t/m 31 jan 2025 Gesloten
  2. Nuclear Technology (NUT)

    30,0 EC

    The Minor Nuclear Technology (NUT) provide students the basic knowledge of nuclear reactors and nuclear science. The course focuses on three primary elements, nuclear hygiene, fundamentals of nuclear theory, and nuclear industry. The course begins with students participating…
    • 3 feb 2025 t/m 4 jul 2025 Aanmelding opent 15 september 2024
  3. Offshore Renewable Energy

    30,0 EC

    The energy sources in nature are renewing constantly: every day the sun rises, the wind blows, tides move. On land, the possibilities to use these resources for the energy transition are limited, but at sea the potential is enormous. In the minor Offshore Renewable Energy y…
    • 2 sep 2024 t/m 31 jan 2025 Gesloten
    • 3 feb 2025 t/m 4 jul 2025 Aanmelding opent 15 september 2024
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