Sustainable Energy & Resource Recovery
In a sustainable society, resources are not depleted and the environment isn't irreversible harmed. This is however not the situation today. Fossil resources, but also minerals and metals are depleted and all kind of substances are emitted to the environment causing various environmental problems.
All over the world, initiatives start to make society more sustainable and to find materials and forms of energy conversion that don't contribute to either depletion or adverse environmental effects. In the European green deal, the EU strives to have net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. It also has a circular economy action plan as one of its main building blocks (1).
Since it requires knowledge as well as a renewed organization of society, a switch to sustainable forms of energy and circular materials is challenging. In this specialization, you will obtain insight into the challenges related to sustainable energy and you will learn about the recovery of resources from rest streams (an essential part of a circular economy). The latter will focus mainly on resources from wastewater (or sewage).
This specialization focusses on the topics of sustainable energy and resource recovery. Besides, it aims at developing your competences. The main competences we are working on are self management, research and advice. To come to the desired level of knowledge and development, a combination of courses and projects has been compiled.
- Project Zero Carbon Transition (12 EC)
- Project Biopolymer from wastewater (6 EC)
- Course Data analysis and visualization (3 EC)
- Course Energy analysis (3 EC)
- Course Advanced water treatment (3 EC)
- Professional and personal development (3 EC)
Courses are supporting the projects with theoretical knowledge. In the main project students are working for external parties in which they operate as a consultancy team. Several activities are organized.
- Lectures, workshops and working classes for the theoretical courses
- Your tutor group will have weekly meetings with the tutor
- Skill workshops (for example on how to lead client meetings, write reports or summarize data)
- Guest lectures
- Lab practicals
Open to students that have a sufficient level of English in speaking and writing. Besides, basic knowledge on the following topics is required:
- Waste water treatment
- Calculations on power and energy
- Statistics
- Microbiology
2nd semester
The courses and projects are assessed separately. The following methods are used:
- Exams (either written or digital)
- Group reports (for projects)
- Presentations
- Individual oral assessments
- Individual performance within the project group
- Assignments
Aanvullende informatie
You will work in an international environment (teachers, students and possibly clients or guest lecturers). All communication will be in English.