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Independent Fashion Magazines (Honours Minor)

The last decade a combination of economics and the rise of social media (bloggers/influencers) caused mainstream fashion magazines to struggle. Old publishing models are no longer appropriate. Small independent publishers are flourishing because of their unique formula. Popular Instagram and TikTok accounts are run like the old commercial magazines, and homepages of fashion brands look like magazines and quite some brands start print magazines as part of the communication strategy.

Magazines behaving like brands and brands behaving like magazines: these are exciting times in publishing! No one knows which way we are headed, but one thing is clear: Editorial Thinking is a competency that can be used beyond the world of publishing.

We choose to go back to basics: the physical magazine. It is the perfect tool for learning to work, think & act as an editor. A paper magazine needs an added value for consumers to spend money on it. It must be produced with care: once at the printer there is no turning back.

In this minor you create a new issue of Garment Magazine, have it printed and develop a strategy for launch. We dare you to add something to the magazine stands, as the world is not waiting for another me-too-product. We believe in learning by doing; you will brainstorm, conceptualise, style, write, design, print, translate to online and launch. The program is split in two parts. During the first you will produce a trial issue for a fashion magazine. In the second you will work cooperatively to get the magazine 'out there'!

For more information see the Minor page and on


The learning objectives of this minor are:

•           The student can think and work in an editorial manner and develop content ideas for fashion magazines (& brands).

•           The student can create innovative content for a fashion magazine in writing, visualisation and/or design.

•           The student can create a concept idea to differentiate a set media brand in the marketplace.

•           The student can decide on a form that fits the magazine concept.

•           The student can decide on a launch strategy that fits the magazine brand.

•           The student can communicate own strengths and weaknesses in editorial thinking & working, and is able to back this up with portfolio work and a Process Book.


This is an honours programme and so the minor has an intake procedure. Apart from having completed the foundation year successfully, the student must have obtained 60 ECT’s from the main phase.

All students outside of (i)FB and (i)FD need to expound their motivation in a letter. The student’s mentor must endorse this motivation.

Students need demonstrable experience in publishing, graphic design, writing, visualisation and/or fashion (portfolio). Your portfolio must show demonstrable experience with Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator. Students should have a basic knowledge of both Fashion & Publishing Industry, preferably visible in your portfolio.

In addition, the student must be able to understand, interpret and discuss in English. The student must be able to read, write and speak fluent English.

Write an extensive motivation on why you fit this minor (why fashion? why indie magazines? why you?). Your letter must be supported by a letter of endorsement by your mentor. Send this all, along with your portfolio as a low-res pdf and proof of successful completion of year 2, to

Convincing written intakes will be contacted for an intake interview in which expectations and skills will be evaluated; based on the interview will be decided if you qualify for the minor. If your motivation letter and portfolio show you don't meet the admission requirements, you will be notified by mail.

In case you are interested to follow the minor, it is recommended to start up the intake procedure about 6 weeks prior to the registration period (so before the end of September, 2024)


Will be published in the Study Manual.


We assume you are available at least 40 hours per week.

Contact hours:
Contact hours change per week depend on the work process, the development of your products and the availability of (guest) lecturers. We assume you are available 40 hours per week - you will need this time to produce your work anyway. This includes contact hours.


- Editorial Content  9 ECTS

- Fashion Magazine & Publishing 6 ECTS

- Editorial Thinking & Branding 15 ECTS

Resits take place during the minor. In case this is not possible, the resit will be scheduled in consultation with the student.

Aanvullende informatie

Questions about the minor?
Contact Frank Wijlens,

Questions about the Kies op Maat procedure?
Contact Eunice Williams,

Previous title minor: Fashion & Editorial Branding.
For more information visit also:

Applications will be processed in the order of receipt of signed learning agreements.