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Immersive Environments

Immersive Environments is a minor provided by CMD.  

In a world where technology is changing at a fast pace, designers need to keep up with the times. The physical world offers opportunities to create new immersive experiences, past the borders of interactive mobile or desktop interaction. In creating smart physical spaces, we can tell stories encompassing all senses using all kinds of technologies. These could be interactive spaces in musea, shops, festivals, events, trade shows, conferences or outdoor locations. 

In this international Minor, you learn how to create an interactive multimodal experience for a physical space. “Storytelling through all senses” is a key subject. In a discovery period you will experiment with different technologies like sensors, light, interaction, video projection, movement and sound. We will also use several ai tools to build worlds and stories.  During this period you will get workshops and inputs from all kinds of expertexperts.

After the discovery period students do a deep dive into a specific self determined skill, and will work together with other students on client-based projects to create physical experiences. Lecturers and researchers will coach the students on their design/learning experience and together you will discover this new area of design. Intrinsic motivation, the development of creativity, design by doing  are at the core of this minor. 

For more information check our website:




Learning Goals & Competences

  • You can develop a concept for a multimodal multi-sensory interactive experience in a physical space, and know what aspects are important to create such an experience. (Prototype & elaborate)
  • You learn how to make your ideas tangible, and work in a diverse team.(Prototype & Design together)
  • You can create a immersive experience taking into account the wishes of  a client (Orientate & comprehend)
  • You are not afraid to experiment. 
  • You know which technologies could be involved in creating these experiments. (Orientate & comprehend)
  • You have had a deep-dive in a personally defined technological or design skill. (Personal and engaged design)
  • You become aware and get a grip of your own creativity and developed your growth mindset. (Evaluate)


Admission requirements

You meet the entrance requirements from your own study before you can follow a minor (see the Teaching and Examination Regulations for your study).  For CMD students this means that you have completed the Foundation year and have a minimum of 40 EC points from the main phase of your minor.

The teaching and examination regulations of your Bachelor programme apply.

We strive to have a mix of students from different backgrounds: Theater/Film/Branding/CMD/ICT/Spatial design/Product design/Exhibition design/Sound/Fashion/LIght/... Interest in technology and creativity is a must. Knowledge and skills on the following subjects is a plus: video, audio, animation, 3D, light, projection, arduino, sensors, AI, sketching, visualisation, prototyping tools. Students should have a good command of the English language.




This minor will take place at the campus. Timetable will be available 2 weeks before the start of the minor via

Contact time
Obligatory attendance is 12 hours a week. 


The minor immersive environments has 30 ECTS. 

This is a creative minor where you learn by experimenting and doing. Every student is different and will follow their own path within the  following key areas:

  • Storytelling with AI
  • Creative technology


The students log and showcase their growth in these critical areas in a learning portfolio (aka growth book). In this portfolio, they write weekly reports and add annotations to videos, photos, and sketches of their work. The students have five growth talks, which are continuous assessments with their coach (aka formative assessments.) At the end of the program, there is a final assessment (summative). The final assessment consists of a presentation of the student’s portfolio and reflections. The personal growth coach, the project coach and the general coach will assess and grade the final presentation.

There is a small expo after several weeks. And at the end of the minor, there is a final exhibition.

Elements of the minor:

Deep Dive - Researching a theoretical subject related to immersive environments
Discovery Projects - Get a taste of different technologies needed to create immersive environments.
Personal Project - Developing a skill and show that skill in a personal project (follow your own path)
Storytelling with AI - Using artificial intelligence to create an experience for all senses.
Final Project - Work on real projects of your choice
Guest lectures & workshops - During the minor guest lecturers are invited to teach and show the different aspects of designing for immersive environments


The students are coached on their growth and have access to technical support during the projects.

There is a possibility for a resit.

If a student fails to successfully complete the minor in the period in which she took the minor it is possible to finalize the minor in a following period in which the minor is given.

If a minor is no longer offered or in case the minor is rewritten, the degree programme will offer students a further two opportunities to finalize this minor in the following year.

Aanvullende informatie


Questions about the minor?
Contact Bart-Jan Steerenberg:

Questions about the Kies op Maat procedure?
Contact Onderwijsbureau CMD, 

Applications will be processed in the order of receipt of signed learning agreements.