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Health Sciences (Transferminor) Semester 1

A health scientist of the University of Twente has a focus on making the healthcare more effective and efficient, by looking at processes and systems on the level of the patient and caretaker, healthcare organization and on the level of the health care system. The processes and systems are analyzed, (re)designed, implemented and evaluated. The health scientist possesses the ability to define the value of technology within the healthcare from a multi-disciplinary perspective and is capable of advising relevant stakeholders.


This transfer minor dominantly aims at preparing you for the master of science (MSc) degree programme Health Sciences. (See also Entry requirements below).

Health Economics & Accounting (taught in English)

The number of health care technologies and services to care and cure ill-health are exponentially increasing in the last decade, among others due to rapid development in digital health services. Using these new technologies and services however comes at a cost which puts pressure on health care budgets. To prevent health care costs to exceed the set budget, local governments, health insurers and health care providers strive to come up with appropriate and cost-effective services for society. The goal of this module is to provide students with theoretical training in the economics of health and healthcare, economic evaluation and financial management and accounting as well as soft skills in program development and marketing. Combined with the creative and critical thinking of students, innovative processes and “products” for a specific patient group will be developed in the project part. The project is articulated around a challenge for which students have to design a healthcare solution. This challenge is introduced by stakeholders from the field. The solution will take the form of a fictive social enterprise (start-up).

After this course, the students should be able to:

  • Develop and explain a business model to support the development of a health care innovation;
  • Explain the principles and practices of financial and management accounting within the health care context;
  • Use economic principles to explain healthcare production, delivery and funding;
  • Explain the principles of health economic evaluation, design and critically appraise a health economic evaluation, and perform a simple health economic evaluation;
  • Take and share responsibilities during a group work.

Klinisch wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (202300269):

In deze module leert de student academische onderzoeksvaardigheden welke aansluiten bij problemen uit de dagelijkse praktijk van de gezondheidszorg en de klinische praktijk. De student leert problemen op het terrein van de kliniek in kaart te brengen en deze om te zetten in een medisch wetenschappelijke vraagstelling. Er wordt ingegaan op een aantal nieuwe ontwikkelingen op het gebied van diagnose en behandeling van ziekten. Daarbij staan vooral de ontwikkelingen op het gebied van diagnose en behandeling van oncologie, neurologie en hart- en vaatziekten centraal. De student raakt vertrouwd met epidemiologische begrippen en de specifieke methoden en technieken van ‘evidence-based’ onderzoek. De valkuilen die bij bepaalde vormen van onderzoek kunnen optreden en mogelijke oplossingen hiervoor komen aan de orde. De student krijgt inzicht in univariate statistische methoden, o.a. toetsen van twee groepen en variantie- en regressieanalyse, en inzicht in multivariate statistische methoden, o.a. multiple lineaire regressie, logistische regressie en analyse van overlevingsgegevens (Cox regressie). Door het kritisch lezen en becommentariëren van medisch wetenschappelijke artikelen wordt de toepassing van onderzoeksmethoden en statistische analyses inzichtelijk. Als afsluiting leert de student het geheel toe te passen door zelf een onderzoeksvoorstel te ontwerpen.

Na het volgen van deze module is de student in staat om:

  • Een onderzoek te ontwerpen passende bij een wetenschappelijke vraagstelling, waarbij de dataverzameling plaatsvindt met geschikte meetinstrumenten en de data-analyse met passende analysetechnieken, en dat vanuit juridisch standpunt verantwoord is;
  • Verschillende onderzoeksmethoden, zoals trial (experiment), dwarsdoorsnede onderzoek, cohort onderzoek en patiënt-controle onderzoek in de epidemiologie te herkennen, op kwaliteit te beoordelen, en de resultaten van dergelijk onderzoek te interpreteren;
  • Te benoemen op welke manieren gezondheid geoperationaliseerd kan worden en een geschikte gezondheidsuitkomst te kiezen bij een bepaalde vraagstelling;
  • Een aantal veelvoorkomende multivariate statistische technieken (multiple lineaire regressie, Cox regressie, logistische regressie) toe te passen en de resultaten van deze analyses te vertalen naar een antwoord op de wetenschappelijke vraagstelling;
  • Kennis op te halen, uit te breiden, en inzicht en vaardigheden te krijgen ten aanzien van het analyseren van de biomedische aspecten van een aandoening, specifiek gericht op de nieuwe ontwikkelingen voor diagnostiek en behandeling.


Good to know that this minor aims to attract students from universities of applied sciences (HBO) who have the adequate motivation and capacities to complete an English-taught degree programme on university level.

In order to be admitted to this minor you need to have completed 120 EC’s in your current related bachelor’s program. You are required to provide a recent grade overview signed by the institute of your current study.

You are expected to be competent in English at a level that is at least on a par with the skill set of a pre-university secondary school ('vwo') student in the Netherlands. English-language books are also used in many courses. Please note that we do not provide language testing prior to admission; this is really your own responsibility.

If you have not succesfully completed your maths coursework at a level on a par with Maths A or B at Dutch vwo level, we advise you to take a math (refresher) course. You can choose from several organisations offering these courses for mathematics remediation, such as the James Boswell Institute in Utrecht, or the NHA (online course).

In order to determine whether your current studies is sufficiently related to health science, please check:  and check the HS programme’s website.


For those whose current bachelor’s studies involves a non-related programme, admission is determined on an individual basis by the HS Admission Board.


The most up-to-date information about the courses  and the literature which will be used in the course can be found in the Osiris course catalogue.


  • This full time transferminor of 30 EC's covers 1 semester.
  • Each Quartile lasts 10 weeks.


Courses of the minor (with EC’s and preferably quartile mentioned)

Health Economics & Accounting  HEA   15  

Project: Dragons' Den for Healthcare                                       Presentation                  Health care economics and financing                                      Exam
Economic evaluation in health care                                          Exam
Financial and management accounting                                    Exam

Clinical Scientific Research   CSR    15       

Project: Clinical Scientific Research Proposal                           Presentation and report
Clinical Epidemiology                                                                 Exam
Diagnoses and Treatment of Diseases                                      Presentation and report
Ethics and legal regulations regarding research with humans   Exam
Medical Statistics                                                                       Exam

Aanvullende informatie

N.B. The learning agreement signed by the student and his Examination Board and the other necessary documents (see Entry requirements) must have reached the UT-contactperson before the enrollment ends.