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Horizons in Hospitality (English-Nederlands)

The minor Horizons in Hospitality has been developed for who are interested in hospitality. We would like to work with students from different (educational) backgrounds, so we can look at the subject from very different angles. The programme is coordinated by staff of HMSM and will be set up in cooperation with external experts of different fields of expertise. Furthermore, the HMSM staff works closely with the minor students. 

More and more organisations acknowledge the importance of putting guests/ customers/ clients/ patients first. Why is this? And more importantly: how do you do this in a specific organisation or situation?  

In this minor you will analyse hospitality and you will learn to advice organisations how to improve their hospitality. You will study the ethics, history and psychology of hospitality. Furthermore, you will study different models of hospitality and together with your fellow students develop a new model of hospitality. You will learn what is necessary to develop true hospitality in an organisation. You will present and report your findings to your client, project coach and fellow students. In this minor you will also make a trend tour and you will meet professionals in order to experience concrete examples and to create a platform for co-creation.

In short, in the minor Horizons in Hospitality you will be challenged to explore the borders of hospitality in a multidisciplinary team. You will look at the world (of hospitality) through modern, critical, sometimes stubborn though always challenging glasses. The student will steer his/ her own learning process and is therefore, for an important part, responsible for his/ her own results.

During the minor the following themes will be covered:

1) Hospitality: what is hospitality?

We will analyse the history of hospitality, including the ethical and philosophical aspects. We will try to map the views of different (experience)experts on the definition and research different hospitality models that can be used for the project.

2) Hospitality development: how do you develop hospitality?

Is hospitality manageable? And if yes, how? We will think about hospitality development in organizations. What do insights into hospitality mean for guests, employees and the design of processes and systems within organizations?

3) Horizons in hospitality: how to apply hospitality insights in different sectors?

Is it possible to apply the hospitality insights that have been learned, in different sectors? And if yes, how? What value does it add? What trends and developments are relevant? How can you make use of these trends and developments as an organization?


The Horizons in Hospitality purpose (Why) is twofold:  Foster hospitality in all sectors of society and enable students to discover their own Horizon in Hospitality.

The student...

  • ... develops a vision on the term hospitality and its application in a domain of their own choice (based on a dialogue with experts, literature and field research); 
  • ... is able to reflect on the knowledge gained, the skills obtained and the experiences offered/organized during the minor;
  • ... develops a hospitality concept and/or a solution at strategic level for an organisation that adds value by means of hospitality; 
  • ... organises in a professional manner part of the minor programme and thus creates value for internal and external stakeholders of the track Horizons in Hospitality;
  • ... behaves like a young professional in his or her communication, attitude and behavior throughout all elements of the minor.


Doelgroepen: alle opleidingen

Student moet goed beeld hebben van het werkveld waarin hij/zij gaat acteren. Enige onderzoekservaring is prettig. Goede beheersing van het Engels.

Horizons in Hospitality is een minor waar gastvrijheid centraal staat. We behandelen hoe binnen verschillende sectoren (in- en externe) gastvrijheid ontwikkeld kan worden. Verschillende perspectieven en multidisciplinariteit zijn zeer waardevol binnen deze minor. Studenten uit alle faculteiten zijn dan ook welkom. In eerdere edities hebben studenten deelgenomen van verschillende opleidingen van Zuyd en daarbuiten (exchange).


The syllabus is online available, students are responsible for (the cost of) transportation to and from excursions.


Learning Activities: Interactieve lectures and workshops; Tutorial groups; group sessions/interactive learning sessions/ reflection and guidance; Meetings with professionals, partially on location; Guest lectures; Working on a project (individually or in a team); Co-creation; Self study; Excursions

Contact Hours: Mostly on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday (some exceptions can happen). Wednesday and Friday are reserved for self-study.


  • Group assignment (7 EC, weight 40%): Project carried out independently around a hospitality question of a client by means of the design thinking method. A professional presentation of the results to the client and the coach is a prerequisite for obtaining a sufficient grade for this assignment.
  • Individual assignment (8 EC, weight 60%): Student shows in a reflective talk with another student and 2 teachers to have explored their own knowledge question on the theme of hospitality and shows full understanding of the knowledge gained in this minor. A sufficient completion of the knowledge toolbox and of the personal product is prerequisite to participate in this oral assessment. 

Aanvullende informatie

De voertaal in plenaire sessies is Engels. In de onderwijsgroepen wordt gestreefd naar een Engelstalige onderwijsgroep naast Nederlandstalige onderwijsgroepen. Nederlandstalige studenten kunnen 1 van de 2 opdrachten in het Nederlands uitvoeren (Individual Assignment). Bij de opdracht Group Assignment (Project) kan het zijn dat Engels de voertaal is, als Engelstalige studenten in die teams zitten. Oplevering van de projecten is sowieso in het Engels.