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  1. Advanced methods in Plant Breeding (15 ECTS)

    15,0 EC

    Plants form the basis of life: all food chains, including our own, start with their leaves, fruits and flowers. Crop production, however, faces increased challenges such as climate change, pollution and erosion. Feeding the world therefore requires strong, resilient plant br…
    • 1 sep 2024 t/m 1 feb 2025 Gesloten
  2. Circular business and Sustainable Entrepreneurship

    30,0 EC

    What do you think? Do circularity and business go together? Our answer is that somehow they will have to, as climate change, primary raw materials shortages, biodiversity loss, waste and pollution compel us to make the transition from a linear economy to a circular economy. …
    • 1 sep 2024 t/m 1 feb 2025 Gesloten
  3. Corporate Responsibility for Sustainable Development

    5,0 EC

    Open Universiteit
    De maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid van ondernemingen gaat verder dan de verantwoordelijkheid om winst te genereren ten behoeve van aandeelhouders en andere kapitaalverstrekkers, maar heeft betrekking op een grotere groep belanghebbenden (zogenoemde stakeholders), zoals…
    • 1 sep 2024 t/m 31 aug 2025 Aanmelding sluit uiterlijk 16 aug 2025
  4. Dairy Processing (ADPR1)

    15,0 EC

    Do you want to know how cheese, yogurt and ice cream are made? In this minor you will learn everything about processing milk into various dairy products (small and large scale) and you will make products like cheese, yogurt, butter and ice cream at the dairy pilot facilities…
    • 1 feb 2025 t/m 1 jul 2025 Aanmelding sluit uiterlijk 16 dec 2024
  5. Export Management

    15,0 EC

    How would you react if you were offered the opportunity of travelling abroad regularly, meeting and keeping in touch with new people, learning something new about agribusiness every day, and end up getting paid for it? Well, this is what your job would look like if you were …
    • 1 sep 2024 t/m 1 feb 2025 Gesloten
  6. Food Supply Chain Management (ASCM)

    15,0 EC

    How would you like the job of managing the supply chain from farm to fork? In today’s world with its global marketplace, a growing population, crisis upon crisis and shortages, getting food to consumers’ plates can feel like herding kittens. On the bright side, a smooth supp…
    • 1 sep 2024 t/m 1 feb 2025 Gesloten
  7. Food Systems in Transition

    15,0 EC

    Climate change, soil degradation, resource scarcity, obesity and lifestyle-related diseases: our food system is facing multiple challenges. Although different players – from government to corporate – have recognized these challenges, and increased their efforts to design a f…
    • 1 sep 2024 t/m 1 feb 2025 Gesloten
  8. Geographical Information Systems: GIS

    5,0 EC

    Open Universiteit
    Inhoud Bij geografische informatiesystemen (GIS) gaat het vooral om 'het op elkaar leggen van kaarten' en het koppelen, bewerken en analyseren van gegevensbestanden waarbij de geografische locatie een essentiële rol speelt. En dat biedt uitermate interessante mogelijkheden. …
    • 1 sep 2024 t/m 31 aug 2025 Aanmelding sluit uiterlijk 16 aug 2025
  9. International Food Logistics (AIFL)

    15,0 EC

    How would you like to be responsible for the well-being of people and animals all over the world? Just wondering, because the international food sector is in dire need of people who are cool, calm and collected enough to manage global food supply chains. You see, internation…
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  10. International Food Safety Management

    15,0 EC

    Consider this: would you use a product without knowing if it were safe? Unfortunately, many do this three times a day. People often assume that the food products they use in meal preparation have undergone rigorous testing, ensuring they are fit for human consumption. It's a…
    • 1 sep 2024 t/m 1 feb 2025 Gesloten
  11. Minor Architectuur

    30,0 EC

    VerbeeldingEen architect heeft VERBEELDING nodig… om ruimtes te ontwerpen, passende materialen te vinden en een gebouw te laten functioneren. En zich daarbij in te leven wat de gebruiker gaat ervaren in een gebouw; hoe worden zintuigen geprikkeld en ontmoetingen gestimuleerd…
    • 26 aug 2024 t/m 17 jan 2025 Gesloten
  12. Minor Stedenbouw en Landschapsarchitectuur

    30,0 EC

    In deze intellectueel uitdagende maar ook praktisch ingestelde Minor Stedenbouw en Landschapsarchitectuur wordt de voor de Academie van Bouwkunst te Amsterdam typische onderwijsmethode- het  ‘leren van praktische ervaringen’ in wisselwerking met ‘praktisch toepassen van theo…
    • 26 aug 2024 t/m 17 jan 2025 Gesloten
  13. Omgevingsbeleid: analyse, evaluatie en ontwerp

    5,0 EC

    Open Universiteit
    Het beleid ten aanzien van de inrichting en het gebruik van de leefomgeving staat centraal in deze cursus. Denk daarbij aan het beleid voor verstedelijking, voor bescherming tegen overstromingen, over gaswinning, de aanleg en verbreding van infrastructuur, of natuurbeschermi…
    • 1 sep 2024 t/m 31 aug 2025 Aanmelding sluit uiterlijk 16 aug 2025
  14. Plant Breeding and Seed Production (15 ECTS)

    15,0 EC

    Did you know that crop farmers around the world are counting on you to solve their problems? The world population is growing and so is its demand for food. This puts food crop production under tremendous pressure. To make things more difficult, farmers have to deal with loss…
    • 1 sep 2024 t/m 1 feb 2025 Gesloten
  15. Plant breeding (APSP & AMBP) - 30 ECTS

    30,0 EC

    Have you ever considered what will happen if there is not enough food to go around? Well, here is some food for thought. With the world population on the rise, the demand for food is increasing rapidly. Meanwhile, erosion and depletion of resources is causing a decrease in t…
    • 1 sep 2024 t/m 1 feb 2025 Gesloten
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