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  1. Global Citizenship (location Enschede)

    30,0 EC

    Learn to look and think beyond borders Develop your knowledge, skills and attitude as a Global Citizen. The minor Global Citizenship focuses on education, social work, health care and employment in which you will become aware of and use your own professional perspective in a…
    • 3 feb 2025 t/m 18 jul 2025 Aanmelding opent 7 oktober 2024 om 19:00 uur
  2. Innovative Educational Approaches

    30,0 EC

    Are you able to translate your vision on education into a successful innovation in a school at home or abroad? In this minor, Innovative Educational Approaches, you getacquainted with the basic principles and content of well-known but also less known forms of traditional and…
    • 3 feb 2025 t/m 18 jul 2025 Aanmelding opent 7 oktober 2024 om 19:00 uur
  3. Ontwikkelingsgericht Onderwijs (OGO)

    30,0 EC

    In de minor Ontwikkelingsgericht Onderwijs (OGO) leer je betekenisvol onderwijs te geven. Je wilt de creativiteit van de leerlingen bevorderen, en de onderzoekende houding stimuleren in een rijke leeromgeving. Of je wilt het spel van je kleuters verdiepen. Kortom: je wordt O…
    • 1 sep 2024 t/m 31 jan 2025 Gesloten
  4. Palliatieve zorg (locatie Deventer)

    30,0 EC

    Verleen passende, palliatieve zorg die aansluit op de wensen en behoeften van zorgvragers Mensen met een levensbedreigende aandoening of kwetsbaarheid hebben zowel spirituele, sociale, psychische en fysieke hulpvragen. Hier zijn verschillende professionals voor nodig binnen …
    • 3 feb 2025 t/m 18 jul 2025 Aanmelding opent 7 oktober 2024 om 19:00 uur
  5. How to shape a sustainable world? (1st semester 24/25)

    30,0 EC

    Do you want to apply for this minor?Check out the step by step on our website. Here you can also find the correct manner to start your application on Studielink. Do you think a lot about the biggest social challenge of this moment? This minor helps you - as a future profess…
    • 1 sep 2024 t/m 31 jan 2025 Gesloten
  6. Musculoskeletal

    30,0 EC

    Musculoskeletal physiotherapy Physiotherapy may be divided into a number of subdisciplines. This minor is all about musculoskeletal indications, with manual therapy and sports physiotherapy as related specialisations. Course content The minor deals with manual therapeutic an…
    • 3 feb 2025 t/m 18 jul 2025 Aanmelding opent 7 oktober 2024 om 19:00 uur
  7. Kulturen und Menschenrechten

    30,0 EC

    Kurzbeschreibung Eine Fachkraft der Sozialen Arbeit muss sich auf verschiedene Personen einstellen und ihre Lebenswelt unter systemischen Aspekten erkunden und analysieren. Ein bedeutender Aspekt ist der kulturelle Hintergrund. Dazu gehören neben der kritischen Betrachtungsw…
    • 3 feb 2025 t/m 18 jul 2025 Aanmelding opent 7 oktober 2024 om 19:00 uur
  8. Designing processes for societal impact making (1st semester 24/25)

    30,0 EC

    Do you want to apply for this minor?Check out the step by step on our website. Here you can also find the correct manner to start your application on Studielink. Leisure is used as a pre-eminently point of departure - or fertile breeding ground - for the social innovation a…
    • 1 sep 2024 t/m 31 jan 2025 Gesloten
  9. Design and Strategies for Themed Entertainment (1st semester 24/25)

    30,0 EC

    Do you want to apply for this minor?Check out the step by step on our website. Here you can also find the correct manner to start your application on Studielink. In the Minor Design and Strategies in Themed Entertainment students will experience groundbreaking knowledge on …
    • 1 sep 2024 t/m 31 jan 2025 Gesloten
  10. Bridging your field of expertise with Data Science & Artificial Intelligence: A Minor for interdisciplinary innovation and collaboration: the art of data translation. (1st semester 24/25)

    30,0 EC

    Do you want to apply for this minor?Check out the step by step on our website. Here you can also find the correct manner to start your application on Studielink. In this minor, BUas students from other BUas programmes than ADS&AI  collaborate with ADS&AI students to find so…
    • 1 sep 2024 t/m 31 jan 2025 Gesloten
  11. Building your own Business (1st semester 24/25)

    30,0 EC

    Do you want to apply for this minor?Check out the step by step on our website. Here you can also find the correct manner to start your application on Studielink. Explore your entrepreneurial ambitions and work on your own business idea with the help of experienced entrepren…
    • 1 sep 2024 t/m 31 jan 2025 Gesloten
  12. Care

    30,0 EC

    Das Profil Care zielt auf Menschen mit langanhaltenden und/oder komplexen Problemen und ihre Umgebung als AdressatInnen Sozialer Arbeit. Die Unterstützung- und Hilfebedarfe sind Folge von körperlichen Handicaps, Einschränkungen der kognitiven Fähigkeiten und/oder psychischen…
    • 3 feb 2025 t/m 18 jul 2025 Aanmelding opent 7 oktober 2024 om 19:00 uur
  13. Industrial & Sustainable Building

    30,0 EC

    We are moving towards a circular and carbon-neutral built environment in 2050. How can we build and renovate faster,  better, more sustainable and more cost-effective? Take this minor and find out! Course contentIn this minor, we will discuss two aspects of a more sustainabl…
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  14. Robotics and Vision

    30,0 EC

    Providing state of the art knowledge and skills in the field of robotics. The Robotics and Vision minor focuses on design and realization of vision-based robotic applications that are robust, reliable, adaptable and efficient. It provides the fundamental knowlegde and basic …
    • 3 feb 2025 t/m 18 jul 2025 Aanmelding opent 7 oktober 2024 om 19:00 uur
  15. Gemeinwesenarbeit

    30,0 EC

    Kurzbeschreibung  Die Domäne des Profils Gemeinwesenarbeit (GWA) zeichnet sich durch eine Kombination von sozialen und soziokulturellen Aspekten aus.Im Sozialen kommt die Interdependenz, das gerichtet sein auf, abhängig sein von und verbunden sein mit Anderen zum Ausdruck, w…
    • 3 feb 2025 t/m 18 jul 2025 Aanmelding opent 7 oktober 2024 om 19:00 uur
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