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  1. American Studies 1: American History and Politics

    15,0 EC

    This minor is an introduction to American history and politics. The interdisciplinary minors in American Studies offered here provide a critical understanding of the most powerful and influential country in the world from a wide variety of perspectives. American culture and …
    • 2 sep 2024 t/m 24 jan 2025 Gesloten
  2. American Studies 2: Aspects of American Culture

    15,0 EC

    This minor is an introduction to American culture and literature. The interdisciplinary minors in American Studies offered here provide a critical understanding of the most powerful and influential country in the world from a wide variety of perspectives. American culture an…
    • 2 sep 2024 t/m 24 jan 2025 Gesloten
  3. Applied AI and Ethics

    30,0 EC

    Self-driving cars, facial recognition, scanning tissue for cancer cells, voice assistants and chat GPT. AI is everywhere. And there is a growing desire to use it across all sectors. But how do we ensure that the technology has a positive impact on our society? With the min…
    • 2 sep 2024 t/m 31 jan 2025 Gesloten
  4. Applied Animal Science

    30,0 EC

    During the minor ‘Applied Animal Sciences’ students will be trained to apply findings from experimental results to the effects of environmental factors (housing, nutrition, legislation, exploitation, etc.) on animal health and welfare. Students will learn to explain these ef…
    • 2 sep 2024 t/m 7 feb 2025 Gesloten
  5. Applied Data Science

    30,0 EC

    Machine learning is used in online shops, in online banking security and in social media. Deep learning generates subtitles for You Tube videos and provides speech recognition on phones and facial recognition for photos. In the Applied Data Science minor, you will explore th…
    • 3 feb 2025 t/m 4 jul 2025 Aanmelding opent 15 september 2024
  6. Applied Plant Research

    30,0 EC

    If you have a passion for plants and a inquisitive mind, this minor will expand your plant knowledge and teach you how to use your knowledge in applied research. As one of the leading countries in plant production, the Netherlands is a popular base for many head offices of g…
    • 2 sep 2024 t/m 7 feb 2025 Gesloten
  7. Arts and Culture Studies 1

    15,0 EC

    Are you a student in the field of Arts and Culture and would you like to deepen your knowledge? We offer a module of three courses at university level. Besides expanding your knowledge you will work on your research skills. This module may be combined with Arts and Culture S…
    • 2 sep 2024 t/m 24 jan 2025 Gesloten
  8. Arts and Culture Studies 2

    15,0 EC

    Are you a student in the field of Arts and Culture and would you like to deepen your knowledge? We offer a module of two courses at university level. Besides expanding your knowledge you will work on your research skills. This module may be combined with Arts and Culture Stu…
    • 2 sep 2024 t/m 24 jan 2025 Gesloten
  9. Business and Data Analytics (USA)

    30,0 EC

    Saxion meets Silicon Valley! This minor is a cooperation between Saxion and the UC Berkeley. The minor includes a studytrip to the US, to the University of California, Berkeley. During the minor you get the unique opportunity to collect and apply state of the art knowledge a…
    • 3 feb 2025 t/m 18 jul 2025 Aanmelding opent 30 september 2024 om 19:00 uur
  10. Conscious Business

    30,0 EC

    Who are you? And what is your Ikigai? How do you get international business to commit to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals? How does the art of happiness relate to doing business? What determines the ‘identity’ of an organisation? Can an organisation be both p…
    • 3 feb 2025 t/m 18 jul 2025 Aanmelding opent 30 september 2024 om 19:00 uur
  11. Corporate Responsibility for Sustainable Development

    5,0 EC

    Open Universiteit
    De maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid van ondernemingen gaat verder dan de verantwoordelijkheid om winst te genereren ten behoeve van aandeelhouders en andere kapitaalverstrekkers, maar heeft betrekking op een grotere groep belanghebbenden (zogenoemde stakeholders), zoals…
    • 1 sep 2024 t/m 31 aug 2025 Aanmelding sluit uiterlijk 16 aug 2025
  12. Creating a healthy food environment

    30,0 EC

    The prevalence of overweight and obesity keeps rising in the Netherlands and worldwide. One of the causes is our food environment, where consumers are constantly tempted to choose unhealthy foods. There are significant health differences between groups of people, depending o…
    • 10 feb 2025 t/m 11 jul 2025 Aanmelding sluit uiterlijk 17 nov 2024
  13. Creative Design & Technology

    30,0 EC

    Do you like to learn by making things? Do you want to solve problems? And are you curious and creative? Three times yes? Then this minor might be something for you. In this minor, you'll learn the basics of Programming, Design and Technology. You get a lot of inspiration, …
    • 3 feb 2025 t/m 18 jul 2025 Aanmelding opent 30 september 2024 om 19:00 uur
  14. Cultivation and technology

    30,0 EC

    ​​If you have a passion for cultivation and technology in the arable or horticultural sector, this minor is for you!​  About the programme  ​​With this minor, you will deepen your arable or horticultural knowledge and acquire skills to use this knowledge in greenhouse cultiv…
    • 2 sep 2024 t/m 7 feb 2025 Gesloten
  15. Cultural Sexuality Studies

    21,0 EC

    Seksualiteitsstudies is een vakgebied dat seksualiteit bestudeert als een cultureel, sociaal en historisch verschijnsel. Seksualiteit wordt dan niet als vanzelfsprekend biologisch fenomeen opgevat, maar als iets dat afhankelijk van plaats en tijd heel verschillende betekenis…
    • 2 sep 2024 t/m 24 jan 2025 Gesloten
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