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  1. All-round Designer

    30,0 EC

    About the course Are you creative and aiming to work for an innovative small ormedium sized enterprise (SME) or design agency? Then this minor programme is fit for you. Working for a design agency or an innovative SME requires all-round skills and knowledge. Your client expe…
    • 2 sep 2024 t/m 31 jan 2025 Gesloten
  2. Applied Animal Science

    30,0 EC

    During the minor ‘Applied Animal Sciences’ students will be trained to apply findings from experimental results to the effects of environmental factors (housing, nutrition, legislation, exploitation, etc.) on animal health and welfare. Students will learn to explain these ef…
    • 2 sep 2024 t/m 7 feb 2025 Gesloten
  3. Applied mechanics ENG

    30,0 EC

    Will you design the machines of the future?Car engines, agricultural machines and ship winches. These are all products that have passed through the hands of a mechanical designer. Will you be the future developer of a smarter cooling system for trains or light weight gearbox…
    • 2 sep 2024 t/m 31 jan 2025 Gesloten
  4. Applied Plant Research

    30,0 EC

    If you have a passion for plants and a inquisitive mind, this minor will expand your plant knowledge and teach you how to use your knowledge in applied research. As one of the leading countries in plant production, the Netherlands is a popular base for many head offices of g…
    • 2 sep 2024 t/m 7 feb 2025 Gesloten
  5. Business and Data Analytics (USA)

    30,0 EC

    Saxion meets Silicon Valley! This minor is a cooperation between Saxion and the UC Berkeley. The minor includes a studytrip to the US, to the University of California, Berkeley. During the minor you get the unique opportunity to collect and apply state of the art knowledge a…
    • 3 feb 2025 t/m 18 jul 2025 Aanmelding opent 30 september 2024 om 19:00 uur
  6. Circular Housing

    15,0 EC

    Je werkt in deze internationale minor van 15 EC samen met bouwkundestudenten uit het buitenland aan het ontwerp voor een circulaire woning. Slim (her)gebruik van materiaal, energie en ruimte staat centraal in deze opdracht voor woningbouwvereniging Delta Wonen. Het project w…
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  7. Conscious Business

    30,0 EC

    Who are you? And what is your Ikigai? How do you get international business to commit to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals? How does the art of happiness relate to doing business? What determines the ‘identity’ of an organisation? Can an organisation be both p…
    • 3 feb 2025 t/m 18 jul 2025 Aanmelding opent 30 september 2024 om 19:00 uur
  8. Creating a healthy food environment

    30,0 EC

    The prevalence of overweight and obesity keeps rising in the Netherlands and worldwide. One of the causes is our food environment, where consumers are constantly tempted to choose unhealthy foods. There are significant health differences between groups of people, depending o…
    • 10 feb 2025 t/m 11 jul 2025 Aanmelding sluit uiterlijk 17 nov 2024
  9. Creative Design & Technology

    30,0 EC

    Do you like to learn by making things? Do you want to solve problems? And are you curious and creative? Three times yes? Then this minor might be something for you. In this minor, you'll learn the basics of Programming, Design and Technology. You get a lot of inspiration, …
    • 3 feb 2025 t/m 18 jul 2025 Aanmelding opent 30 september 2024 om 19:00 uur
  10. Cultivation and technology

    30,0 EC

    ​​If you have a passion for cultivation and technology in the arable or horticultural sector, this minor is for you!​  About the programme  ​​With this minor, you will deepen your arable or horticultural knowledge and acquire skills to use this knowledge in greenhouse cultiv…
    • 2 sep 2024 t/m 7 feb 2025 Gesloten
  11. Culturally Responsive Teaching (30EC)

    30,0 EC

    Diversiteit in onze samenleving groeit. Scholen krijgen steeds meer leerlingen met een migratieachtergrond. Deze leerlingen verschillen in afkomst, etniciteit, religie en moedertaal. Dit vraagt wat extra's van jou als docent. Wil jij meer leren over hoe je diversiteit in het…
    • 3 feb 2025 t/m 27 jun 2025 Aanmelding opent 21 oktober 2024
  12. Cyber Security

    30,0 EC

    Protect yourself and the world, in today's digital society The minor Cyber Security is designed to prepare you as a future Information Security Officer, to defend the digital well-being of a public or private organization. Cyber Security is a hot item in the national and int…
    • 3 feb 2025 t/m 18 jul 2025 Aanmelding opent 30 september 2024 om 19:00 uur
  13. Operational Management in Industry

    30,0 EC

    Is it your ambition to manage a production department? Then this minor is what you need, because it deals with management of production or logistics operations. The course of study is offered in cooperation with international companies, where students will be doing a project…
    • 2 sep 2024 t/m 31 jan 2025 Gesloten
  14. Process Optimization

    30,0 EC

    You will learn how to improve business processes in general, and production and manufacturing processes in particular. You will be provided with the relevant models to assess the process in question, and to acquire the skills required to work in a project team and how to con…
    • 2 sep 2024 t/m 31 jan 2025 Gesloten
  15. Protein transition: towards a sustainable future

    30,0 EC

    If you want to contribute to the protein transition, this minor is for you. The minor focuses on the transition towards plant and alternative proteins in the context of the entire value chain: from soil to consumer. About the programme  ​​The protein transition is the shift…
    • 2 sep 2024 t/m 7 feb 2025 Gesloten
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