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  1. Data Science, Math & Technology

    30,0 EC

    Data Science is revolutionizing the way we interact with information. Businesses, governments and individuals are collecting more data than ever before - unlocking a wealth of knowledge that has the potential to dramatically improve our lives. Data analysis technology can be…
    • 1 sep 2024 t/m 1 feb 2025 Gesloten
  2. Deep Learning

    30,0 EC

    Deep learning is the most advanced branch of artificial intelligence today. Inspired by the human brain, it enables computers to learn from examples. Deep learning has been successfully applied to tasks that were previously thought to require human intelligence. To name a fe…
    • 4 feb 2024 t/m 6 jul 2024 Gesloten
    • 2 feb 2025 t/m 5 jul 2025 Aanmelding sluit uiterlijk 30 nov 2024 om 23:45 uur
  3. Destination management, Branding & Communication (ENG) - 2024-2025

    30,0 EC

    These days, it is essential for destinations to manage and promote themselves in the right way to the right target group. It is important that stakeholders – including visitors, tourists and companies – have enough relevant knowledge of- and a positive association with a des…
    • 2 sep 2024 t/m 31 jan 2025 Gesloten
  4. Entrepreneurship: Create your Start-up - 2024-2025

    30,0 EC

    Issues? You solve them. One way or another, you come up with something. Work for someone? No, thanks, I'd rather not. You work hard mainly for yourself. Sky-high ambitions? Absolutely! That is where your indomitable urge to prove yourself comes from. You are someone who real…
    • 3 feb 2025 t/m 4 jul 2025 Aanmelding sluit uiterlijk 2 dec 2024
  5. Event Experience (ENG) - 2024-2025

    30,0 EC

    Unleash your passion for events in the Event Experience minor! Immerse yourself in a world where experience is key. Create lasting memories and organize a real event from A to Z. Collaborate with real clients in a multidisciplinary team and develop skills beyond the classroo…
    • 2 sep 2024 t/m 31 jan 2025 Gesloten
  6. Film (ENG) - 2024-2025

    30,0 EC

    Do you want to learn all about the magic of fiction films? Then the Film module is the place for you. Here you will learn about the history of film, while learning from professionals as you write your own screenplay and make your own film. Roll camera! In the Film module you…
    • 2 sep 2024 t/m 31 jan 2025 Gesloten
  7. Future Cities

    15,0 EC

    In de multidisciplinaire, internationale minor van 15 EC werk je samen met studenten Civiele Techniek en RO-Mobiliteit aan een toekomstbestendig plan voor een stadsdeel in Zwolle. Centraal staan de thema’s klimaatverandering, bevolkingsgroei en energietransitie. Het project …
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  8. Games Programming

    30,0 EC

    Are you looking for a challenge? Would you like to know more about computer graphics, artificial intelligence and advanced algorithms? Would you like to put this knowledge into practice by creating computer games? If you answer yes to any of these questions, Games Programmin…
    • 3 feb 2025 t/m 27 jun 2024 Aanmelding opent 21 oktober 2024
  9. Gas Turbines

    30,0 EC

    The history of the gas turbine for power generation can date back to the beginning of 20th century when a British engineer, Sir Frank Whittle and a German scientist, Hans von Ohain, independently developed a gas turbine for aircraft propulsion. Ever since, Gas turbines evolv…
    • 1 sep 2024 t/m 1 feb 2025 Gesloten
  10. Geographical Information Systems: GIS

    5,0 EC

    Open Universiteit
    Inhoud Bij geografische informatiesystemen (GIS) gaat het vooral om 'het op elkaar leggen van kaarten' en het koppelen, bewerken en analyseren van gegevensbestanden waarbij de geografische locatie een essentiële rol speelt. En dat biedt uitermate interessante mogelijkheden. …
    • 1 sep 2024 t/m 31 aug 2025 Aanmelding sluit uiterlijk 16 aug 2025
  11. Omgevingsbeleid: analyse, evaluatie en ontwerp

    5,0 EC

    Open Universiteit
    Het beleid ten aanzien van de inrichting en het gebruik van de leefomgeving staat centraal in deze cursus. Denk daarbij aan het beleid voor verstedelijking, voor bescherming tegen overstromingen, over gaswinning, de aanleg en verbreding van infrastructuur, of natuurbeschermi…
    • 1 sep 2024 t/m 31 aug 2025 Aanmelding sluit uiterlijk 16 aug 2025
  12. Operational Management in Industry

    30,0 EC

    Is it your ambition to manage a production department? Then this minor is what you need, because it deals with management of production or logistics operations. The course of study is offered in cooperation with international companies, where students will be doing a project…
    • 2 sep 2024 t/m 31 jan 2025 Gesloten
  13. Process Optimization

    30,0 EC

    You will learn how to improve business processes in general, and production and manufacturing processes in particular. You will be provided with the relevant models to assess the process in question, and to acquire the skills required to work in a project team and how to con…
    • 2 sep 2024 t/m 31 jan 2025 Gesloten
  14. Security

    30,0 EC

    The digital landscape is changing at a rapid pace. Now more than ever news about cyber security reaches us on an almost daily basis. New technologies are shifting the attack opportunities available for attackers, increasing the need for a new generation of cybersecurity spec…
    • 2 feb 2025 t/m 5 jul 2025 Aanmelding sluit uiterlijk 30 nov 2024 om 23:45 uur
  15. Supply Chain Engineering

    30,0 EC

    Tomorrow’s Supply Chain engineers face the challenge of creating the engine that powers the world economy: the global supply chain. This calls for creative, stable, intelligent, communicative and well-structured engineers who can design, link, implement and manage supply cha…
    • 2 sep 2024 t/m 31 jan 2025 Gesloten
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