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  1. Robotics and Vision

    30,0 EC

    Providing state of the art knowledge and skills in the field of robotics. The Robotics and Vision minor focuses on design and realization of vision-based robotic applications that are robust, reliable, adaptable and efficient. It provides the fundamental knowlegde and basic …
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  2. Smart Embedded Systems

    30,0 EC

    Smart Embedded Systems: everywhere, anytime, any platform. Everywhere you look nowadays, you see Smart Embedded Systems: a piece of hardware with software inside. Think of your phone, robots, Smart TV’s or IoT devices. Here you learn how to build them. Course contentMost sma…
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  3. Startup Entrepreneur

    30,0 EC

    Startup Entrepreneur Are you entrepreneurial, ambitious, and willing to take (responsible) risks? The minor "Startup Entrepreneur" could be perfect for you! In an inspiring environment, you will learn the skills necessary to become a successful entrepreneur. This minor is an…
    • 3 feb 2025 t/m 18 jul 2025 Aanmelding opent 30 september 2024 om 19:00 uur
  4. Innovative Educational Approaches

    30,0 EC

    Are you able to translate your vision on education into a successful innovation in a school at home or abroad? In this minor, Innovative Educational Approaches, you getacquainted with the basic principles and content of well-known but also less known forms of traditional and…
    • 3 feb 2025 t/m 18 jul 2025 Aanmelding opent 30 september 2024 om 19:00 uur
  5. Liberal Arts & Sciences

    30,0 EC

    Do you want to become a global citizen? Learn more about the world around you! During the minor students will develop into curious, conscious, multidisciplinary international professionals who are able to look at the world from various perspectives and make connections betwe…
    • 2 sep 2024 t/m 31 jan 2025 Gesloten
  6. Minor Architectuur

    30,0 EC

    VerbeeldingEen architect heeft VERBEELDING nodig… om ruimtes te ontwerpen, passende materialen te vinden en een gebouw te laten functioneren. En zich daarbij in te leven wat de gebruiker gaat ervaren in een gebouw; hoe worden zintuigen geprikkeld en ontmoetingen gestimuleerd…
    • 26 aug 2024 t/m 17 jan 2025 Gesloten
  7. Minor Stedenbouw en Landschapsarchitectuur

    30,0 EC

    In deze intellectueel uitdagende maar ook praktisch ingestelde Minor Stedenbouw en Landschapsarchitectuur wordt de voor de Academie van Bouwkunst te Amsterdam typische onderwijsmethode- het  ‘leren van praktische ervaringen’ in wisselwerking met ‘praktisch toepassen van theo…
    • 26 aug 2024 t/m 17 jan 2025 Gesloten
  8. Offshore Renewable Energy

    30,0 EC

    The energy sources in nature are renewing constantly: every day the sun rises, the wind blows, tides move. On land, the possibilities to use these resources for the energy transition are limited, but at sea the potential is enormous. In the minor Offshore Renewable Energy y…
    • 2 sep 2024 t/m 31 jan 2025 Gesloten
    • 3 feb 2025 t/m 4 jul 2025 Aanmelding opent 15 september 2024
  9. Omgevingsbeleid: analyse, evaluatie en ontwerp

    5,0 EC

    Open Universiteit
    Het beleid ten aanzien van de inrichting en het gebruik van de leefomgeving staat centraal in deze cursus. Denk daarbij aan het beleid voor verstedelijking, voor bescherming tegen overstromingen, over gaswinning, de aanleg en verbreding van infrastructuur, of natuurbeschermi…
    • 1 sep 2024 t/m 31 aug 2025 Aanmelding sluit uiterlijk 16 aug 2025
  10. Applied AI and Ethics

    30,0 EC

    Self-driving cars, facial recognition, scanning tissue for cancer cells, voice assistants and chat GPT. AI is everywhere. And there is a growing desire to use it across all sectors. But how do we ensure that the technology has a positive impact on our society? With the min…
    • 2 sep 2024 t/m 31 jan 2025 Gesloten
  11. Applied Data Science

    30,0 EC

    Machine learning is used in online shops, in online banking security and in social media. Deep learning generates subtitles for You Tube videos and provides speech recognition on phones and facial recognition for photos. In the Applied Data Science minor, you will explore th…
    • 3 feb 2025 t/m 4 jul 2025 Aanmelding opent 15 september 2024
  12. Conscious Business

    30,0 EC

    Who are you? And what is your Ikigai? How do you get international business to commit to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals? How does the art of happiness relate to doing business? What determines the ‘identity’ of an organisation? Can an organisation be both p…
    • 3 feb 2025 t/m 18 jul 2025 Aanmelding opent 30 september 2024 om 19:00 uur
  13. Corporate Responsibility for Sustainable Development

    5,0 EC

    Open Universiteit
    De maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid van ondernemingen gaat verder dan de verantwoordelijkheid om winst te genereren ten behoeve van aandeelhouders en andere kapitaalverstrekkers, maar heeft betrekking op een grotere groep belanghebbenden (zogenoemde stakeholders), zoals…
    • 1 sep 2024 t/m 31 aug 2025 Aanmelding sluit uiterlijk 16 aug 2025
  14. Creative Design & Technology

    30,0 EC

    Do you like to learn by making things? Do you want to solve problems? And are you curious and creative? Three times yes? Then this minor might be something for you. In this minor, you'll learn the basics of Programming, Design and Technology. You get a lot of inspiration, …
    • 3 feb 2025 t/m 18 jul 2025 Aanmelding opent 30 september 2024 om 19:00 uur
  15. Nuclear Technology (NUT)

    30,0 EC

    The Minor Nuclear Technology (NUT) provide students the basic knowledge of nuclear reactors and nuclear science. The course focuses on three primary elements, nuclear hygiene, fundamentals of nuclear theory, and nuclear industry. The course begins with students participating…
    • 3 feb 2025 t/m 4 jul 2025 Aanmelding opent 15 september 2024
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